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Resultados da pesquisa - skogen - UFRJ

This Lois Hole Campus Alberta Digital Library resource is paid for by the Government of Alberta. The Cambridge Dictionary of Sociologyby Bryan S. Turner SocINDEX; Gender Studies Database; Race Relations Abstracts ** You can combine any/all 7 databases above in one search by selecting "Choose Databases" at the EBSCO search screen. Google Scholar TIPs: 1) click on the "Cited By" link underneath the citations you find to get more recent sources; 2) set up Google Scholar to find/access Concordia SocINDEX is the authoritative bibliographic database for sociology research. It offers millions of indexed records from top sociology journals covering many studies including gender studies, criminal justice, social psychology, racial studies, religion and social work. Databases. In the library context, a database is a searchable and structured collection of information. We subscribe to over 400 databases, each providing access to material in a broad subject area such as biology or English literature.

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Resultados da pesquisa - skogen - UFRJ

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Resultados da pesquisa - skogen - UFRJ

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Resultados da pesquisa - skogen - UFRJ

8 nov. 2018 SCOPUS.